The Gulargambone Rural Transaction Centre offers numerous services to the community including Reliance Bank, Centrelink Agent, Australia Post, Bank @ Post, internet access, faxing, photocopying, green slips, safe document storage, and shire rate payments for Coonamble and Gilgandra Shires. The GRTC also boasts an extensive range of gifts and homewares.
The GRTC also co-ordinates the town library which requires the facilitation of many volunteers.
The GRTC is a community owned business that was bought in 2000. It is the first community owned post office in Australia. After receiving a one-off government grant for establishment, the survival and continuation of the GRTC depends entirely on trading profit. The trading profit relies on the community and visitors using the services and purchasing gifts.
Every time a Gular resident pays a bar-coded account or withdraws money from the Post Office or Reliance counter, the GRTC is paid a small fee for the transaction. As a transaction-based community business, the GRTC took part in the Buy Local campaign to encourage the community to support other local businesses, in turn helping the town to flourish.
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